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Getting the most out of the iPRO Modern Slavery Assessment Tool


Regularly Assess your Supply Chain

The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 mandatory reporting criteria requires businesses to provide information on how you assess and address modern slavery risks each reporting period. It’s important to keep your data up-to-date for your suppliers and conduct a Modern Slavery Assessment of your supply chain each year. Year-on-year changes can include: 

  • Operational changes to suppliers’ businesses, and changes to who they do business with.

  • Changes in measured and perceived level of modern slavery risk for industry sectors, goods, and geography.

  • Changes in risk scores from implementing positive actions to reduce modern slavery risk

Assess Individual Suppliers

  • After completing your bulk assessment with iPRO, you can follow up any suppliers who are yet to complete an assessment. Suppliers will still be able to log in and complete the assessment after the initial due date has elapsed. 

  • When onboarding new suppliers outside of a bulk assessment, you can have them complete a Modern Slavery Assessment as part of the process so that they are added to your modern slavery data set.

  • If part of your procurement process involves screening potential suppliers as part of a tender application, you can invite them to complete the assessment as part of a prequalification process.

Request Supporting Documentation

  • As part of your due diligence processes, you may want to see documentation that relates to the policies and procedures covered in the assessment. You can request that suppliers upload the relevant documentation to support their assessment responses.


Between Assessments, you can engage your suppliers and discuss the action items on their profile. You can assign different internal owners to each supplier to manage who will follow up and engage with each supplier post-assessment.

  • Once your suppliers have completed an action item, they can update their assessment responses and resubmit. This will then update their risk scores, and your aggregated risk scores, in real-time.

  • You can use your main dashboard as a central hub for decision making. One way you can do this is by viewing the Supplier Risk Category chart, and focusing on suppliers in a particular category. e.g. High-risk suppliers. Clicking on the coloured bar will take you to a list of suppliers in that risk category.

You receive an insights report at the end of a bulk assessment campaign. If you are adding your suppliers in individually, and assessing in a more ad-hoc method, you can request your insights report at a key moment in your journey (e.g before you begin your supplier follow up). This will act as your benchmark to which you can then refer to after your supplier follow up activities to measure the improvement over time.

There are 2 main approaches you can take to address risks in your supply chain.

Category-Based Supplier Follow Up

  1. Start on the Overview dashboard.

  2. Look at the Supplier Risk Category chart.

  3. Decide where you want to focus (e.g. the suppliers who are categorised as high risk).

  4. Click on the coloured bar for your selected category to get a list of the relevant suppliers.

  5. Click into each supplier to view their profile Overview, their Action Plans, and their responses to the Assessment questions. The action items will show the key gaps in their policies, procedures, or identify if any information is lacking. You can then look at the Action Plan for each of your suppliers as a source of implementing improvements.

  6. View the change in risk category distribution on the Supplier Risk Category chart after suppliers begin completing items in their Action Plans. You can go to the 'Suppliers' menu for a list view on the risk categories, and export the data for further analysis. 

Supply Chain Action Plan Follow Up


  1. Start on the Overview dashboard.

  2. Look at your aggregated unmitigated risk score

  3. Go to the actions menu

  4. View the top actions, and the impact they have on your unmitigated risk score

  5. Click on the action and read the description. Note the suppliers that the action applies to.

  6. Follow up those specific suppliers so that they do the required action, and update their assessment responses.

  7. Repeat this process with each action

  8. As your suppliers complete their actions, focus on the next priorities

  9. View the risk score metrics on your dashboard they change over time after implementing actions.


Dashboard Reporting 

  • The in-app dashboard reports can be used to view key insights about your modern slavery risk data

  • You can filter the dashboard report by annual spend (if used) or by groups

  • The supplier list in the 'Suppliers' menu can be exported to CSV, which allows you to further analyse or upload the data into other systems

Insights Report

  • The Insights Report is a snapshot in time, and can be requested up to 4 times a year. This means that if you’re meeting to discuss your anti-slavery programme once per quarter, every 6 months, or every year, you can use the snapshot as a basis for understanding where you are at a given point in time.

  • You can compare Insights Reports to get a sense of your progress over time.

  • The Insights Report can also be used to help craft your annual Modern Slavery Statement.

Modern Slavery Statement draft

  • The Modern Slavery Statement draft is designed to give you a head start on your Modern Slavery Statement submissions. The reporting information is organised under each of the mandatory reporting criteria headings, and guidance is provided for sections where you need to enter information about your organisation to complete the draft.

  • If you complete the Modern Slavery Assessment for your own organisation, the draft will be more complete due to operational information being automatically filled alongside the supply chain information. 

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