White Papers
White paper
Five Practical Steps to Comply with the Modern Slavery Act
This white paper explains how to adapt your current compliance program to the Modern Slavery Act, and identifies tools and resources for completing the statement and instituting a risk assessment program for the risk of modern slavery practice.

White paper
How to Build a Best Practice Immunisation Screening Approach in Your Aged Care Facility
Developments related to the pandemic and the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety are transforming the sector – fast. Right now, it’s more critical than ever to be confident that you have the resources in place to detect, assess and mitigate the risks that could put your residents, employees, and organisation’s future in danger.

White paper
Workers Compensation: Are your Contractors slipping through the cracks?
In this fast-changing landscape, it is more critical than ever to check whether your Workers’ Compensation program is protecting everyone it should, including relevant independent service contractors. Explore the challenges and discuss the steps your organisation can take to reduce risk, ensure total compliance, and minimise the human and economic cost of illness and injury in your workplace.

White paper
Aged Care: 4-steps to COVID-19 compliance
Effective 1 May 2021, all residential aged care facilities are facing new requirements to limit visits and screen both visitors and employees. We provide a simple list of steps you can take to bring your facility into compliance, and explain how iPRO can help.

White paper
Chain of Responsibility: Are you ready?
CoR recognises and targets the responsibility of “off road” organisations who do not directly employ drivers or operate in the transport industry, but whose policies and business practices influence whether or not safety procedures are properly followed. Changes in CoR laws, effective August 2018 hold all parties in the supply chain responsible for safe work practices involving heavy vehicles.

White paper
Governance: Three Lines of Defence
As boards implement risk management
practices, they increasingly find themselves at
the centre of a network of analysts, auditors,
managers, and specialists, all providing vast
amounts of information regarding the risks
the organisation faces and how those risks are
being managed and mitigated.

White paper
Contractor Management: Maturity Model
The Maturity Model aims to define best
practice for contractor management. It
applies a point system to determine an
organisations overall maturity rating. It also enables organisations
to identify gaps in their current contractor management methodologies and discover
opportunities for improvement.